Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

My mom, Halie, Kaden, Owen, Sadie and I went to the Easter Egg Hunt at UVU on 4/16/11.
It was pretty much a complete waste of time. First off, I was in a rush to get out the door because online it said it would start promptly at 8 am, so we hurried there and then no one was there and someone told us it started at 9! My mom was coming from work, so she was exhausted from being up all night and I'm not a morning person, so that made us a little irritated that they would false advertise like that but somehow everyone got the memo but us. When it finally started, there were long lines and Owen doesn't understand lines, so he didn't know why we couldn't just to play instead of waiting our turn, so he wasn't having much fun. The hunt started at 10:45, I believe, and it was just utter chaos. The hunt is for kids, NOT the kids PARENTS! There is a reason they separated it into kids UNDER 5! I'm surprised no one was trampled and killed.

Coloring a bow-tie to stick on the Easter bunny
After probably 30 min in line, he finally got to run up and stick it on.

Owen's tie is the lower one. Kaden chose not to be blind folded so his is of course placed right in the correct place.
In the end, Halie ended up with 3 eggs and Owen and Kaden each had one egg which someone shared because they were lucky enough to get some. This is the first and last public Easter Egg Hunt we will be attending.
Owen went over to Grandma's after to have a real Easter egg hunt with Halie and Kaden while Sadie and I went grocery shopping. They had much fun and much more success.

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